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Next to Me

I was the 2D lead for the student film "Next to Me". I worked with the 2D animators and 2D illustrators for the film. The video below is a compilation of all the explosions used in the film. I had to communicate with the film director to make sure the animations we were giving her were up to standard. These explosions were hand-drawn in 12 frames per second with about 10 seconds of total animation. I also had to be a last-minute producer for Next to Me so I worked on scheduling and leading meetings for the last 2 weeks. 


The main takeaway I got from being involved in "Next to Me" was the importance of communication between the Director, Producer, and the team. I could tell that sometimes there was a misunderstanding between them and it affected the project negatively. I became the producer when there were only three weeks left before the deadline which proved to be a challenging experience. I had to adapt and improvise to be useful to the team since I didn't have time to learn exactly how they worked. One of the most helpful things I did was set up meetings throughout the week, usually before the due dates for each part of the project. This made communication easier between team members and allowed me to talk to specific people regarding due dates if needed. It was a fine line between pushing people to work being gracious to them and giving them more time. 

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