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Kinship is a 2D animation done in 12 fps for the Barrambin festival in mid-2023. This was the first project I directed and produced so I learned a ton working on this. This short film was commissioned by the Brisbane City Council to promote the sustainability of the environment and the inhabitants living in it. I decided to go with a family-friendly approach and made it educational by adding the names of the animals that appeared in the story. This project was also cross-faculty with Film students and English students lending a hand with script writing and editing. 


There were many challenges throughout this project since I learned that there were many things out of my control. The core people in my group worked well together but it was mainly people outside of animation that I had a bit of trouble dealing with. They would either push back the deadline or turn things in very last minute at a mid-quality. As the Director and Producer, I had to be very patient and balance the act between pushing people to get things done and being lenient when needed. Despite all the challenges, I learned a lot from this project and ISEA would not be as successful if I didn't have to go through this project. I would definitely be taking the lessons I learned here throughout my career as well. Overall, this was a good first time project for me with the given time-frame. 

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